My story, before the possession of a single-serve Keurig Coffee Maker:
The first time I invited my friends for coffee at my house, I decided to prepare everything in advance, from coffee:
and I took the coffee machine, coffee and coffee filters.
I was ready to measure or coffee when I realized that I do not know precisely measure of coffee serving seven friends (I knew that my degree for two cups of strong black coffee) and if they do not like strong coffee? Ithought, well, can not satisfy everyone, so they should drink what you brew for them.
After a while, or 'calculations, I measured the water in the coffee and everything was set.
or Oh wait, I had to boil water for tea (more work, I was not much time).
I turned on the coffee and began to prepare a couple of sandwiches, I was at the center of a layer of ham, when I heard some noises and realized that something was wrong ... when I turned my coffee before Ialmost collapsed, was a disaster, all the water mixed with coffee from the coffee machine exploded, after the overthrow of the ground, and reached the stove bench .... What did I do wrong?
If I turn off the unit, I saw my error handling:
Bad positioning or filter paper, when I put the filter basket of coffee in the coffee machine with a paper filter full of coffee, went a bit 'sideways and that was enough for the hot water work of handling of raw materials throughoutthe paper filter on the side and resulted in a mixture of coffee and dark dense water that has forced his way out.
For the story, when my friends came, I had just completed the renovation, no food and no coffee, so we ended up going to the nearest cafe.
A few days later I discovered Keurig single serve coffee machines, Keurig Single Cup Brewers called. That was the end of my messy coffee experience, and get the beginning of an amazing eyebrowsGatherings.
What is a Keurig single serve coffee maker?
Keurig Single Serve Coffee Maker is an innovative high-quality fresh coffee, tea or cocoa, make yourself a cup of beer at a time in less than a minute.
Keurig Single Serve Coffee How does it work?
Keurig Single Serve Coffee Maker uses K-cups, the cups containing a filter with exact percentages previously measured coffee, tea or cocoa, hermetically sealed for protection. All you have to do what fits youThe K-Cup on the machine and within seconds, the hot water to prepare the perfect temperature, a single cup of perfectly prepared coffee, tea or cocoa. Dispose of the K-Cup, when finished.
Reasons to buy Keurig Coffee Single services:
Have you or your favorite beverage hot fresh produced in less than a minute.
Where you learn from different varieties of K-Cups choice of beer in a car without mixing aromas.
o You do not have the boring already produced non-stick panCoffee, you can install K-Cup that fits your mood you choose.
You do not have to think or to do with the filters, grinding beans, measuring coffee.
Easy to use, or not annoying, it saves time and effort.
Bye, bye old regular coffee!